Special Theory of Continuity

Author: Han de Bruijn
Dated: 2010 Sep / 2019 Sep

  1. Uniform Combs of Hat functions
  2. Uniform Comb of Gaussians
  3. Fuzzy Optics (heuristics)
  4. Comb of Cauchy Distributions
  5. Improved Error Analysis
  6. Comb of Triangles
  7. Comb of Rectangles
  8. Find more Fourier integrals
  9. Shannon's Sampling Theorem
  10. Inverse Fourier transform method
  11. Special Theory Finishing Touches
  12. A Curve as a Comb
  13. Fuzzyfied Straight Line
  14. Least Squares Lemma
  15. Fuzzy Line Segment
  16. Fuzzyfied Polygons
  17. Continuing Circular
  18. Empty Hole Photography
    Foto van een Zwart Gat
  19. Polygons of low order
  20. How to construct longitudinal from
    transversal waves and vice versa?
  21. Sensible Densities
  22. Approximate Senses
  23. Approximate Density
  24. What is the proper way to do DTFE


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