Latest revision 05-08-2023

index $ \def \hieruit {\quad \Longrightarrow \quad} \def \slechts {\quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad} \def \SP {\quad ; \quad} \def \MET {\quad \mbox{with} \quad} \def \half {\frac{1}{2}} \def \artanh {\operatorname{artanh}} \def \EN {\quad \mbox{and} \quad} $

Cosmology Models

The Standard Model of Cosmology is plagued with profound theoretical and observational difficulties. Trying to absorb this 100 pages long paper leaves one behind with the impression of an incredible mess. It has become impossible to distinguish imagination from observation in the first place: The 100 Year Wrong Turn in Cosmology. Burbidge quotes Hoyle as saying: "anytime you point a new telescope at the sky now you are only going to find what you already know is up there." And there are so many little names involved in this process of alienation that a major tension shall be the loss of reputation, rather than the Hubble tension. James Webb Space Telescope Shows Big Bang Didn't Happen? Wait ... Panic! We discover the surprising result that at $z\gt 1.5$ disk galaxies dominate the overall fraction of morphologies, with a factor of $\approx 10$ relative higher number of disk galaxies than seen by the Hubble Space Telescope at these redshifts. No surprise at all in an infinite and eternal steady state universe.

Our major source of information meanwhile has become Observations at tension with cosmological models by Louis Marmet. UAC theory is not deviant from standard trouble in one respect: Hubble tension is our main problem as well. But there is an essential difference: we can have more Hubble parameters than just one. The reason is that the (intrinsic) Hubble parameters in UAC may be related to Age, according to formulas in Hubble Parameter ($T_0=$ nowadays timestamp, mind that $A$ is negative most of the time): \begin{matrix} T_0-A = 2(1/H_i) & & 1/H_i = (T_0-A)/2 \\ \mbox{Creation time} = 2 \times \mbox{Hubble time} & & \mbox{Hubble time} = \mbox{Creation time}\;/\;2 \end{matrix}

The $R_h=ct$ Universe

Digging into our first detailed reference, which is Cosmological test with the QSO Hubble diagram, we read in the Abstract this: the so-called $R_h=ct$ Universe not only passes all tests but also has the advantage of fitting the QSO and AP data without any free parameters. Alright, sounds promising. But what is the $R_h=ct$ Universe? At page 4 in the (pdf) paper we learn the following. In this cosmology, $$ d_L(z) = \frac{c}{H_0}(1+z)\ln(1+z). \qquad (5) $$ Here $c=$ lightspeed, $H_0=$ Hubble parameter, $z=$ redshift. At page 3 of the paper we read that $d_L(z)$ stands for the luminosity distance. Okay, what is a luminosity distance? Wikipedia says: The luminosity distance is related to the "comoving transverse distance" $D_M$ by $$ D_L = (1 + z) D_M $$ Okay, what is a "comoving transverse distance"? There is a good explanation of this on Stack Exchange: The difference between comoving and proper distances in defining the observable universe. And let us consult Wikipedia again: Comoving distance factors out the expansion of the universe, giving a distance that does not change in time due to the expansion of space (though this may change due to other, local factors, such as the motion of a galaxy within a cluster). Now we are there! Material rulers in the UAC universe are shrinking according to $$ L = \frac{m_0}{m} L_0 = \frac{L_0}{1+z_i} $$ Which is the same as saying that Empty Space is expanding according to $$ D_L = (1 + z_i) D_M $$ Therefore we have a uniquely defined Euclidean distance which is $D_M$ or, in our own notation: $$ D=\ln(1+z_i)\,c_0/H_i $$ Which is exactly the same formula as the first boxed one in Hubble Parameter. But, of course, our UAC universe is not a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology with zero active mass. To be honest, I don't even know what the latter is supposed to mean. Quite in general I'd like to say, again, the following. The fact that the parallel postulate is independent of the other axioms in Euclidean geometry has been interpreted, abusively, as if there could possibly exist other geometries in physics than Euclidean space. Geometries that are supposed to be equipped with all sorts of weird space-time metrics. It's almost impossible to look up an article about modern cosmology that is not infected by the predominant Einstein paradigm of curved space-time. And then they find that the universe is nearly "flat". Of course it is! We are not going to make a start with mentioning the numerous other artefacts caused by General Relativity.

Even at first glance, it is clear that The $R_h=ct$ Universe too, is part of the mainstream GR cosmology, though it is flat as much as it can be. Almost every paper about this cosmological model has the signature of one and the same author: Fulvio Melia. Wikipedia says: Melia and his students have developed the so-called $R_h=ct$ Universe, a cosmological theory that, they argue, has accounted for the observational data better than all other models proposed thus far, In this cosmology, the Universe has no horizon problem, and therefore evolved without inflation. In short: everybody has a pet universe and this happens to be the one of Melia. Probably We do not live in the $R_h=ct$ universe at all. It is nevertheless provided with some interesting features. One of these is suggested in the critical paper as mentioned; the authors are calling it the '$Ht=1$ model'. Indeed, in The Apparent (Gravitational) Horizon in Cosmology near formula (38) we find $\,H(t)=1/t\,$ and (39) as sort of a Milne's formula look alike. Of course the main formula $\,R_h=ct\,$, for the cosmic horizon, has no meaning in the framework of UAC. Summarizing:

$$ H(t)=\frac{1}{t} \\ R_\gamma(t) = ct\ln\left(\frac{t_0}{t}\right) $$ $$ H_i = \frac{2}{T_0-A} \\ t-t_0 = (T_0-A)\ln\left(\frac{T-A}{T_0-A}\right) $$

It is seen that the cosmic time $t$ in Melia's universe corresponds with the orbital time of creation $(T_0-A)$ in the UAC universe, which is a quite reasonable correspondence. It's interesting to investigate when the right hand side of Milne's formula becomes zero: $$ t-t_0 = (T_0-A)\ln\left(\frac{T-A}{T_0-A}\right) = 0 \slechts t=t_0 \; \wedge \; (T=T_0 \; \vee \; T_0 = A) $$ The first case is when $\,t=t_0\,$ and $\,T=T_0\,$, which is the trivial case because orbital and atomic clocks are always synchronized here and now. The second case is when $\,t=t_0\,$ and $\,T_0=A\,$. We haven't seen this case before. The physical meaning of it is that, when an observer were present at the orbital timestamp of creation, atomic time doesn't run, its clock stands still for ever and ever. Perhaps we have just unravelled the physical meaning of Eternity.

Tired-Light Redshift Models

Much more than I can tell here has been published about the Tired Light hypothesis. Suggested reading: Tired Light: an explanation of redshifts in a static universe.
What follows is a literal copy from the following article: Is the universe really expanding? Another related reference: Tired Light Denies the Big Bang. Replace $\,r \to D\,$, $\,z \to z_t$, $\,H_0 \to H_t$ (subscript $\,t\,$ for tired) and $\,c \to c_0\,$ in the "tired light" formulas to obtain exactly the same as in the Hubble Parameter section: $$ z_t(D) = e^{H_t D/c_0} - 1 \hieruit D = \ln(1+z_t)\,c_0/H_t $$ The Tired Light hypothesis seems to give rise to the same formulas as the Hypothesis by Arp. However, that is just at first sight. One crucial difference lies in the fact that light does not carry any rest mass; a Varying elementary Particle rest Mass (VPM) does not exist for light; Halton Arp's theory is not applicable to photons. And the Tired Light hypothesis is is not applicable to matter. Actually, the two phenomena are each other's opposites: A second difference may be even more important, though. Photons may become redshifted at the source, due to Halton Arp's intrinsic redshift. But after this, they become redshifted even further by Tired Light, before reaching the eye of an observer on earth. Both redshift are being employed, separately, as an explanation of the Hubble process. Maybe they should be used in combination instead. In Narlikar's Law the following formula was encountered for the Total redshift: $$ (1+z)=(1+z_{expansion})(1+z_{intrinsic}) $$ We have decided to (ab)use this Ansatz for our own purpose as: $$ (1+z_{\,Total})=(1+z_{\,Intrinsic})(1+z_{\,TiredLight})(1+z_{\,Classical}) $$ Total redshift is conjectured to be the product of classical Redshifts such as (relativistic) Doppler, gravitational - but definitely NOT cosmological - and intrinsic / tired light redshift. If we stick to the latter two, then we have, with accompanying Hubble parameters: $$ 1+z = (1+z_i)(1+z_t) = e^{H_i D/c_0}\,e^{H_t D/c_0} = e^{(H_i+H_t) D/c_0} = e^{H_0 D/c_0} \\ \hieruit H_0 = H_i + H_t $$ The Hubble parameter as 0bserved could be the sum of an intrinsic and a tired light component.

But things shall become even more confusing. In our Relativizing Newton section, the following expression for gravitational redshift is mentioned, with $\lambda=$ wavelength, $c_0=$ speed of light in vacuum, $r=$ distance, $g=$ (gravitational) acceleration. $$ \frac{d\lambda}{\lambda} = \frac{g\,dr}{c_0^2} $$ Assume that $\,g\,$ is a constant and integrate (for the meaning of $\Gamma$ see here). $$ \int\frac{d\lambda}{\lambda} = \ln\left(\frac{\lambda}{\lambda_0}\right) = \frac{g\,r}{c_0^2} \hieruit \frac{\lambda}{\lambda_0} = e^{g\,r/c_0^2} \SP \frac{\lambda_0}{\lambda_0}+\frac{\lambda-\lambda_0}{\lambda_0} = 1+z = e^{\Gamma r} $$ Let $\,g\,$ be the acceleration near the boundary of a heavy object with mass $M$ and radius $R$, for example our milky way, or half the universe, then: $$ e^{g\,r/c_0^2}=e^{\Gamma r} \hieruit g\,r/c_0^2 = \Gamma r \MET g = \frac{GM}{R^2} \EN \Gamma = \frac{H}{c_0} \\ \large \boxed{g = H c_0} \normalsize = \frac{GM}{R^2} = a_0 $$ The latter quantity is precisely Milgrom's constant, as it appears in MOND = UAC.

Conclusion. It seems that Tired Light can hardly be distinguished from Variable Mass.
Question. Maybe TL and VM are equivalent representations of the same phenomenon?