Infinitum Actu Non Datur

Was nun aber Ihren Beweis für 1) betrifft, so protestire ich zuvörderst gegen den Gebrauch einer unendlichen Grösse als einer Vollendeten, welcher in der Mathematik niemals erlaubt ist. Das Unendliche ist nur eine façon de parler, indem man eigentlich von Grenzen spricht, denen gewisse Verhältnisse so nahe kommen als man will, während andern ohne Einschränkung zu wachsen verstattet ist.
I protest against the use of infinite magnitude as something completed, which is never permissible in mathematics. Infinity is merely a way of speaking, the true meaning being a limit which certain ratios approach indefinitely close, while others are permitted to increase without restriction.
( C.F. Gauss [in a letter to Schumacher, 12 July 1831] )

Axiom: Completed Infinity is NOT given

  1. Back to the Roots
  2. A Posteriori
  3. The Naturals
  4. PNT look-alikes
  5. Calculus XOR Probability
  6. Approximately Equal
  7. The Limit Concept
  8. Numerical Substrate
  9. Iterated Limits
  10. The sinc function

A Posteriori

Numerous attempts have been undertaken to avoid completed infinities to be incorporated into the foundations of mathematics. Among the more serious attempts, Constructivism and Intuitionism come into mind. But, despite of all the effort spent, common mathematics, with all sorts of completed infinities present in it, is still flourishing. While constructivism and its variants, on the contrary, are still lacking a strong enough foundation. Not even strong enough to support elementary results in - for example - common calculus. This comprises definite evidence that such infinitary constructs, in mathematics, can not really be avoided, At least: they can not be avoided a priori. That is, when considering mathematics as a bottom up event.
But, if the non-existence of Completed Infinity is not a judgement a priori - while assuming, by axiom, that it is nevertheless true - then it still could be a judgement a posteriori. Only after results have been obtained, with common mathematics, there can be a judgement about whether Gauss' dictum is violated or not. Hence the approach to be preferred is not bottom up, but rather top down. The current "setup" of mathematics is thus more or less accepted herewith. But not some of its results, the AfterMath of the math so to speak. Resulting in a refinement of our Axiom:

Completed infinity not given is a judgement a posteriori.

So it is not (i.e. no longer as far as I am concerned) an a priori requirement for doing sensible mathematics.
Which doesn't mean that a posteriori judgements cannot have consequences for the evaluation of a priori activities.

The Naturals

According to standard mathematics, The Natural Numbers are given. Moreover they are given as a (completed) Infinite Set. This set is commonly denoted as:

N = { 1,2,3,4,5, ... }

Theorem. The set of all naturals is a completed infinity.
Proof. A set is infinite (i.e. a completed infinity) if and only if there exists a bijection between that set and a proper subset of itself.
  : one-to-one mapping

Now consider the even naturals. They are a proper subset of the naturals and a bijection can be defined between the former and the latter. As follows:

  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 ...
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ...
According to our first Axiom, such a Completed Infinity, in retrospect, does not exist. Which isn't going prevent anybody from freely employing certain expressions, like for example ( ∀ n ∈ N ), as a well established "figure of speech". So far so good for common mathematics. But how about the mathematics that comes after it? Well, let's take a look at the real world. Especially let's take a look at the mathematics laboratory par excellence, the digital computer. How is "the set of all naturals" represented in there? As numbers running from one up to some maximum integer, usually of order 2^16 or some such. That precise upper bound is not quite relevant. What is relevant is that there is always a limited upper bound to Naturals in practice. Limited sets of naturals are well known in classical mathematics. Any such set is called an initial segment of "the" standard Naturals:

Nn = { 1,2,3,4,5, ... , n }

Each initial segment contains all the naturals, starting from 1 , up to and including a largest natural n . Therefore, with such an initial segment, it does not follow per se that

( a ∈ Nn ) & ( b ∈ Nn )   =>   (a + b) ∈ Nn

Due to the fact that there is a finite upper bound on the initial segment, the sum (a + b) can be beyond that bound. Which is clearly undesirable. Therefore sort of an idealization is definitely needed, namely such that "beyond a bound" can no longer be the case. A tentative proposal could be to introduce The Naturals as a limit of an initial segment, where the largest natural n approaches infinity. If you don't like this approach, please note that it will lead, in a few steps, to a result which is actually standard mathematics. So you could accept these intermediate steps as sort of heuristic. Whatever, we shall assume, for the moment being, that The Naturals are defined as:

N = limn → ∞ { 1,2,3,4,5, ... , n }

Admittedly, the concept of a limit is somewhat stretched here. What we want to express is that The Naturals are quite resemblant to an initial segment, apart from an upper bound. So why not just say that the naturals are an initial segment without an upper bound. A difference with other approaches is that All of The Naturals therefore can only be known through its initial segments. Needless to say that Infinity will never be reached Actually - which is typical for limits anyway.
A signficant issue in this context is Cardinality. When given a completed infinity of naturals, a bijection can set up between all naturals and all even naturals. This is no longer possible when initial segments are the only things that can be known about the naturals. A bijection can still be set up, but it does no longer cover "all" naturals in the segment. Instead, bijection reduces to a process that is known as counting. A count E of the even naturals in an initial segment where n is even reveals that E = n/2:

  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 ...  n
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |      |
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ... n/2 ...
And if n is odd then E = (n-1)/2:
  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 ... (n-1)
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |       |
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... (n-1)/2 ...
Thus, for n is even, we establish the limit

limn → ∞ ( #evens ) / ( # all ) = limn → ∞ ( #{ 1,2,3,4, ... , n/2 } ) / ( #{ 1,2,3,4, ... , n } ) = limn → ∞ n/2 / n = 1/2

And, for n is odd, we establish the limit

limn → ∞ ( #evens ) / ( # all ) = limn → ∞ ( #{ 1,2,3,4, ... , (n-1)/2 } ) / ( #{ 1,2,3,4, ... , n } ) = limn → ∞ (n-1)/2 / n = 1/2

With the quotient of two count functions available, note that it would have been a technicality to define the above tentative limit more rigorously. Indeed, just as with infinitesimals dx and dy , everybody agrees upon the idea that dx and dy may be undefined, but the quotient dy/dx is certainly defined. Whatever. The inevitable conclusion is that the ratio (#evens)/(#all) is equal to 1/2. Thus the "cardinality" of all even naturals divided by the "cardinality" of all naturals is not equal to 1 but equal to 1/2. Mind the scare quotes. Actually the technique as demonstrated is not quite unknown in common mathematics. Look up Natural Density and you will find that it's just like it! So it turns out, in the first place, that no new mathematics is needed. More interesting facts on the Wikipedia webpage "Natural density".

Here we are. Our proposal is thus nothing else than: replace the standard notion of Cardinality by the other standard notion of Natural Density. Or rather: leave everything as it is; just consider Natural Densities as more relevant to the finitistic approach than Cardinalities. This is what I meant, when I said that an a posteriori judgement can have consequences for the evaluation of a priori activities.
Thus the gist of the above is not that common mathematics "doesn't know" about "finitistic cardinalities". It does. And the common theory of cardinalities is not so much wrong. I'd rather call it redundant. Common mathematics may be too much of the good. But maybe that redundancy is even inevitable. We shall see.

PNT look-alikes

One of the most well known theorems in mathematics is the Prime Number Theorem (PNT).
The Prime Number Theorem has the same form as the trivial statement that was proved about E(n) = the number of evens, in the previous section:

limn→∞ E(n) / ( n/2 ) = 1

Let π(n) be the number of primes less than n, where n is a natural number. Then:

limn→∞ π(n) / ( n / ln(n) ) = 1

A much less difficult to prove theorem is the following. Let Q(n) be the number of squares less than or equal to n, where n is is a natural. Then:

limn→∞ Q(n) / ( √n ) = 1

Proof. It's easy to see that √n - 1 < Q(n) ≤ √n . Now divide by √n to get 1 - 1/√n < Q(n) / ( √n ) ≤ 1 . For n→∞ the result follows.

Another example. Let B(n) be the number of (positive) fractions (reducible or not) with denominators and numerators less than or equal to a natural number n . Then:

limn→∞ B(n) / ( n2 ) = 1   though we would rather like to have a formula for irreducible fractions, of course.

The numerosity (cardinality) of the powers of 7 equals the numerosity of the naturals. There are as many powers of 7 as there are naturals.
Proof: there exists a bijection between the naturals and these powers. As depicted here:

1  2   3    4     5      6      7       8        9        10  ..
|  |   |    |     |      |      |       |        |         | 
7 49 343 2401 16807 117649 823543 5764801 40353607 282475249  ..
But let's have another way to look at it:
 1   2 3 4 5 6   7   8 9 10 .. 48  49   50 .. 343 .. 2401 ..
 |               |                  |           |       |
7^0             7^1                7^2         7^3     7^4
Let Z(n) be the number of 7-powers less than or equal to n, where n is a natural number. Then we have the theorem:

limn→∞ Z(n) / ( log(n) / log(7) ) = 1     [ log = natural logarithm ]

Proof. From a picture [ graph of log(x) / log(7) ] it's easy to see that   Z(n) ≤ log(n) / log(7) < Z(n) + 1   →   log(n) / log(7) - 1 < Z(n) ≤ log(n) / log(7) .
Divide by log(n) / log(7) to get 1 - 1/( log(n) / log(7) ) < Z(n) / ( log(n) / log(7) ) ≤ 1 . For n→∞ the result follows.
Written as an asymptotic identity: Z(n) ~ log(n) / log(7) . Suppose that A0 is a very large number, then: Z(A0) = log(A0) / log(7) . Did I suggest anything?
We seek to generalize this result.

   1     2     3     4     5     6    7     8     9   .. 
   |     |     |     |     |     |    |     |     |
 A(1)  A(2)  A(3)  A(4)  A(5)  A(6) A(7)  A(8)  A(9)  ..
Let there be defined a function A : N → N on the naturals N.
Examples are the squares [ A(n) = n2 ] and the powers of seven [ A(n) = 7n ]. And, oh yeah, A(n) is a sequence monotonically increasing with n .
The numerosity / cardinality of the function A(n) equals the numerosity of the naturals; there are as many values of A as there are naturals.
Proof: there exists a bijection between the naturals and these values, due to the fact that A(n) is monotonically increasing with n, thus it has no upper bound, as is the case with the naturals too.
But let's have another way to look at it [ e.g with A(n) = 7n ]:
   1   2 3 4 5 6   7   8 9 10 .. 48  49   50 .. 343 .. 2401 ..
   0   0 0 0 0 0   1   1 1  1     1   2    2      3       4    : Z(n)
 A(0)            A(1)               A(2)        A(3)    A(4)
Let Z(n) be the number of A(m) values (count) less than or equal to n, where (m,n) are natural numbers. Then we have the following Theorem.

limn→∞ Z(n) / [ A-1(n) ] = 1

Proof. A(n) is monotonically increasing with n , therefore it has an inverse A-1(n) in the first place.
And the inverse A-1(n) is monotonically increasing as well. Furthermore, we see that Z(n) is m for A(m) ≤ n < A(m+1) .
Consequently: A(Z(n)) ≤ n < A(Z(n)+1)   →   Z(n) ≤ A-1(n) < Z(n) + 1   →   A-1(n) - 1 < Z(n) ≤ A-1(n)
Divide by A-1(n) to get:   1 - 1 / A-1(n) < Z(n) / A-1(n) ≤ 1 .
For ( n→∞ ) the theorem follows, because A-1(n) → ∞ .
Written as an asymptotic identity: Z(n) ~ A-1(n) . If A0 is a very large number, then: Z(A0) = A^(-1)(A0)
A(n) = n2 limn→∞ Z(n) / ( √n ) = 1
A(n) = 7n limn→∞ Z(n) / ( log(n) / log(7) ) = 1
A(n) = 2.n limn→∞ Z(n) / ( n/2 ) = 1
My latest information is that this Inverse Function Rule (term coined up by Tony Orlow) goes all the way back to Carl Friedrich Gauss.

At the Wikipedia page about Fibonacci_numbers we find another Asymptotic Equality.
For large n, the Fibonacci numbers are approximately Fn ~ ( [ 1 + √5 ]/2 )n / √5
Giving a limit similar to the one for the powers of seven:

A(n) = Fn   →   limn→∞ Z(n) / [ ln(n) / ln( [ 1 + √5 ]/2 ) ] = 1

Calculus XOR Probability

From that wiki page about Natural Densities a quote:
We see that this notion can be understood as a kind of probability of choosing a number, which obviously is the reason why Natural Densities are studied in probabilistic number theory. Therefore another application of the above concepts is with Probability Theory [ <NL>letter to the editor</NL> ].
Standard mathematics says that it is impossible to have a uniform probability distribution on the naturals. Meaning that it is impossible to have a distribution giving equal probabilities to each of (all) the natural numbers. Not a question, however, about the same for an initial segment of the naturals. The probability for picking, say, the number 7 out of the initial segment { 1,2,3,4,5, ... ,n } is simply: 1/n . The same holds for an arbitrary number k in that segment. And the sum of all the probabilities is 1/n + 1/n + ... + 1/n = n.1/n = 1 , as it should be. But something weird happens if we take the limit for n → ∞ . Then each of the probabilities for picking one natural number becomes

limn → ∞ 1/n = 0

while the sum of all probabilities is still 1 , according to

limn → ∞ 1 = 1

How can that happen? A bunch of zeros that sums up to one? Oh well, it's not just a sum of zeros. It's an infinite sum of zeros. But let's take another example, that only seems remotely resemblant. The following very simple integral is expressed as the limit of a Riemann sum.

01 dx = limn → ∞ ∑ 1/n = 0 = limn → ∞1n 1/n = limn → ∞ n.1/n = limn → ∞ 1 = 1

Am I blind or what? The only difference with probabilities is the geometrical interpretation. Here come the probabilities. It is a histogram with height of the blocks 1/n and width of the blocks 1 for n blocks. So the total area of the blocks is (n.1.1/n) = 1 .
And here comes the Riemann sum of that trivial integral. The blocks are 1/n wide, 1 high and there are n of them. The total area is (n.1/n.1) = 1 .
Quite obviously, limn → ∞ n.1/n is exactly the same algebraic expression with the integral as with the probabilities. But, on the contrary, it is as if they do the following with the probabilities.

limn → ∞ n [ limm → ∞ 1/m ] = limn→∞ n [ 0 ] = 0

First try to define elementary probabilities, check out that they become zero and then sum up. Evidently the sum then becomes zero as well. Instead of:

limn→∞ n [ limn→∞ 1/n ]

I think the twist is clear. But ah, the trouble with understanding this may be something else, it seems ..
The sum of infinitely many zeros in our tentative probability theory is equal to one. The Riemann sum in infinitesimal calculus - mind infinitesimal - is equal to one as well. Could it be that the existence of infinitesimals is consequently denied in classical mathematics - because especially in calculus they "aren't needed anymore". As soon as we add a twist to probability theory, they turn up again. And this time they can no longer be denied or circumvented. [ No surprise at all for those disciplines where Applied rules the Roast, but that's another story ] Let's make a brave decision and accept the following "well known facts" in our AfterMath and perhaps in common mathematics too.

Mind that infinity, e.g. in programming languages, is NaN = Not a Number. So why should it be harmful to simply accept that the product with not a number and a number (namely zero) is open to further investigation? Same remark for the obvious equivalents, with special attention - as usual - for 0/0 .
Still with us? Our tentative probability theory is thus motivated with Natural Densities again. The probability that a natural number is e.g. seven is exactly zero. Yet the probability of a natural being an even number is not zero. It is calculated in precisely the same way as with cardinalities and it equals 1/2 . In fact, it has no sense to distinguish Uniform Probabilities on the Naturals from Natural Densities from Finitary Cardinalities. Maybe somewhat exaggerated, but you get the idea. The redundancy, as a consequence of Infinitum Actu Non Datur, is clearly shown with:

Finitary Cardinality = Probability = Natural Density = Asymptotic Equality

Approximately Equal

There exists a Theory of Identity in Mathematical Logic. Among logical laws which involve the concept of identity, the most fundamental is Leibniz's Law. There are several formulations, which are essentially the same, so let's just pick one: Symbolically written as:

(x = y) ≡ [ ∀ P : P(x) ↔ P(y) ]

I find it somewhat weird that we need sort of an equality ≡ for defining another equality = in terms of a logical equality ↔ . But anyway, let's try some with that definition. Every property in common, they said. We take that quite literally and have, for example:

P(x) ≡ ( x is on the left of the = sign )

With this property in mind, consider the expression:

1 = 1

Then we see that the 1 on the right in 1 = 1 is not on the left, hence the property P(1) as defined does not hold for that one. Consequently: 1 ≠ 1 . We have run into a Paradox. Oh, you should say, but self-referential properties are of course not allowed. Sure, I am the last one to disagree with you. This highly artificial example stresses an important point, though:

The numerosity of these properties can still be infinite. In concordance with Infinitum Actu Non Datur, we shall have the additional requirement that, a posteriori, those Leibniz properties are finite in number. Let I be a finite set of properties, then x = y with respect to I . Let us call I the aspect of the equality = .

( x = y ) ≡ [ ∀ P ∈ I : P(x) ↔ P(y) ]

With an initial segment of the naturals, equality can indeed be established in this way. Let's represent each natural as a bit string, as is quite common with computer representations. Then the aspect I may consist of predicates of the form

Pi(x) = ( bit i of string representing x is up )

And because the initial segment ends, it is clear that the range of indexes i ends as well and hence the set I is finite. So far so good with the naturals, that are representative for the discrete world. Real numbers are representative for the continuous world, though. In the AfterMath, there are limited intervals of the reals, exactly as there are limited intervals of the naturals. Clipping agains a viewport is necessary if the ideal Euclidian Geometry is deemed to be useful with any Computer Graphics application. For the reason that infinitely long straight lines cannot be co-existent with the latter. But, with the real numbers, we have an additional complication. Not only that they have a limited range. In the AfterMath, they also have a limited precision. According to classical mathematics, the real numbers are abundant with irrationals. We can even say that the irrationals form the vast majority of the real numbers. Yet we have equivalents of expressions like x = π or y = √2 in our programming languages, where it is emphasized that the variables x and y, most of the time, have no more than, say, double precision. This is extremely poor, when compared with exact mathematics. Consequently, numbers like π or √2 can by no means be represented exactly with such finite precision, as may be expressed again by an aspect I and its predicates:

Pi(x) = ( bit i of string representing x is up )

We are lucky if all available bits of a mantissa are indeed the binary digits of π or √2. To make life easier, we compute anything in decimal. Let's start with the "exact" value ofd π. Well, not really exact, but far more accurate than with double precision. We invoke MAPLE for that purpose.

> evalf(Pi,30);
With a programming language like Delphi (Pascal), the limitations of double precision are clearly shown.
program Pie;

Compare the two values:


The Limit Concept

Suppose f is a real-valued function of x and a is a real number. The expression

limx→a f(x) = L

means that f(x) can be made as close to L as desired, by making x sufficiently close to a, but without actually letting x be a. In this case, we say that "the limit of f(x), as x approaches a, is L". The exact definition is as follows. Let f(x) be a function defined on an interval that contains x = a . Then we say that

limx→a f(x) = L

if x ≠ a and if for every number ε > 0 there is some number δ > 0 such that

| f(x) - L | < ε   whenever   0 < | x - a | < δ

Note that f(x) is possibly not defined at x = a ; the additional condition x ≠ a is definitely a refinement.
Suppose f is a real-valued function of n , where n is an integer. The expression

limn→∞ f(n) = L

means that f(n) can be made as close to L as desired, by making n large enough. Without actually letting n be ∞ is a trivial addendum in this case. We say that "the limit of f(n), as n approaches infinity, is L". The exact definition is as follows. Let f(n) be a function defined for sufficiently large values of n. Then we say that

limn→∞ f(n) = L

if for every number ε > 0 there is some number N > 0 such that

| f(n) - L | < ε   whenever   n > N

As an example, consider the following limit:

limn→∞ 1/n

We claim that this limit is equal to zero. Indeed:

| 1/n - 0 | < ε   whenever   n > N   with   N = 1/ε

But without actually letting n to be ∞ . This means that the limit is not actually reached, quite in concordance with Gauss' dictum. It has the weird consequence, though, that our zero is not really zero, but only a limit that approaches zero. With other words, zero is itself but not itself at the same time. An apparent paradox - and a very old one, if you think about it. Essentially the famous "παντα ρει" as uttered by the Greek philosopher Heracleitos (500 B.C.): "We both step and do not step in the same rivers. We are and are not."
It is utterly trivial that this dark philosophy will have no consequences at all for those parts of mathematics where limits play no role. It is almost trivial that this obscure philosophy has hardly any consequences for the mathematics where only a single limit, as an end-result, is involved. In this case, it makes little difference whether that limit is considered as finished or not. Beware, however, because being an end-result is not easily the case. Most so-called end-results are meant as building blocks for later use. And as soon as other limits are built upon such "completed" limits, we surely can have a problem, as we shall see. Hence the a posteriori: we cannot know beforehand whether an end-result will be useful or not as a building block for the next step.

Numerical Substrate

Integer machine numbers are always exact, though not arbitrary large. Real machine numbers are always approximate (and limited in size as well). The fact that integer numbers on a computer are not arbitrary large has consequences for carrying out this limit "in the real world":

limn→∞ 1/n

We see, indeed, that the value zero cannot be reached, by far, for the simple reason that N cannot even be very large on a digital machine (assuming e.g. standard 16 bits precision for integers):

| 1/n - 0 | < ε   whenever   n > N   with   N = 1/ε

But there is also something very peculiar involved with the reals themselves. And especially with zero. Remember that other limit definition:

limx→a f(x) = L

if x ≠ a and if for every number ε > 0 there is some number δ > 0 such that

| f(x) - L | < ε   whenever   | x - a | < δ

Such numbers ε > 0 and δ > 0 are known in computational work as errors. However, even the real numbers themselves in a digital computer are not error free; as is obvious if one seeks to represent irrational numbers such as π or √2. If x is the floating point number representing π and δ is the "machine eps" (i.e. an error), then only the following is true:

x ≠ π   and   | x - π | < δ

Worse. While carrying out computations with real machine numbers, errors tend to accumulate. And this is actually reflected within the (ε,δ) formalism for limits. Let, for example, |x-a|<δx and |y-a|<δy, where (a,b) are supposed to be "exact" and (x,y) are machine numbers. Next calculate

| (x+y) - (a+b) | = | (x-a) + (y-b) | ≤ |x-a| + |y-b| < δx + δy

So the error in the sum (x+y) is most probably greater than one of the errors (δxy), namely the sum of these. Similar expressions can easily be derived for the other elementary operations. And are encountered as well in common proofs involving limits. We may conclude that the concept of a Limit actually represents - though idealized - error processing. It is known, as well, that the overwhelming majority of real numbers in common mathematics is irrational, that is: they are defined by a limit (e.g. a Cauchy sequence of some sort). We are ready now, not for the next axiom, but for a rather

Trivial Theorem. Every real number is its own limit

Proof. Consider the identity function: f(x) = x . Then for any real number a : limx→a f(x) = a . QED.
Herewith, we have said nothing about mathematics as a bottom up activity. Who cares that for example the number 1 actually is a limit? As soon as this limit is finished, then there is no difference at all between this and a "given" number. As soon as the limit may be considered as finished, indeed.

Iterated Limits

Little trouble is expected with limits, as long as they are single, that is: not superposed upon each other. The situation becomes radically different, however, with repeated or iterated limits.
We start with an example that could easily come from a standard textbook on calculus.

F(x,y) = ( x2 - y2 ) / ( x2 + y2 )   for   (x,y) ≠ (0,0)
F(x,y) = 0   for   (x,y) = (0,0)

Let's proceed with some - innocent looking - Iterated Limits.

limx→∞ [ limy→∞ ( x2 - y2 ) / ( x2 + y2 ) ] = limx→∞ [ limy→∞ ( x2/y2 - 1 ) / ( x2/y2 + 1 ) ] = limx→∞ [ -1 ] = -1
limy→∞ [ limx→∞ ( x2 - y2) / ( x2 + y2 ) ] = limy→∞ [ limx→∞ ( 1 - y2/x2 ) / ( 1 + y2/x2 ) ] = limx→∞ [ +1 ] = +1

According to the standard textbook, the iterated limits do not commute.

limx→0 [ limy→0 ( x2 - y2 ) / ( x2 + y2 ) ] = limx→0 [ ( x2 ) / ( x2 ) ] = +1
limy→0 [ limx→0 ( x2 - y2 ) / ( x2 + y2 ) ] = limy→0 [ ( - y2 ) / ( y2 ) ] = -1

So again, according to the textbook, the iterated limits do not commute.
So far so good. We first continue with another standard textbook example.

Q(x,y) = ( x y ) / ( x2 + y2 )   for   (x,y) ≠ (0,0)
F(x,y) = 0   for   (x,y) = (0,0)

Proceeding again with some - innocent looking - iterated limits:

limx→∞ [ limy→∞ ( x y ) / ( x2 + y2 ) ] = limx→∞ [ limy→∞ ( x/y ) / ( x2/y2 + 1 ) ] = limx→∞ [ 0 ] = 0
limy→∞ [ limx→∞ ( x y ) / ( x2 + y2 ) ] = limy→∞ [ limx→∞ ( y/x ) / ( 1 + y2/x2 ) ] = limx→∞ [ 0 ] = 0

According to the standard textbook, the iterated limits commute.

limx→0 [ limy→0 ( x y ) / ( x2 + y2 ) ] = limx→0 [ limy→0 ( y/x ) / ( y2/x2 + 1 ) ] = limx→0 [ 0 ] = 0
limy→0 [ limx→0 ( x y ) / ( x2 + y2 ) ] = limy→0 [ limx→0 ( x/y ) / ( 1 + x2/y2 ) ] = limx→0 [ 0 ] = 0

According to the standard textbook, the iterated limits commute.
It's good to take a closer look at the above limits. We will do so by introducing polar coordinates:

x = r cos(φ)   y = r sin(φ)


F(x,y) = ( x2 - y2 ) / ( x2 + y2 ) = [ r2 ( cos2(φ) - sin2(φ) ) ] / [ r2 ( cos2(φ) + sin2(φ) ) ] = cos(2φ)

Now we can understand immediately why those limits of F(x,y) for x and y indeed do not commute. At (x,y) = (0,0) this function is singular and it assumes any value between -1 and +1 there. But the latter is the case anywhere else in the (x,y)-plane. A limit for x→∞ and / or y→∞ can assume any value between -1 and +1 as well. Unless there is a clear path to infinity. The function is sort of a circular wave and has a period π . A (MAPLE) picture says more than a thousand words.

> plot3d((x2-y2)/(x2+y2),x=-1..+1,y=-1..+1);

Unlike what you might expect, the function G(x,y) doesn't behave much neater.

G(x,y) = ( x y ) / ( x2 + y2 ) = [ r2 cos(φ) sin(φ) ] / [ r2 ( cos2(φ) + sin2(φ) ) ] = sin(2φ) / 2

The iterated limits for x and y do indeed commute, but this is more or less a coincidence. In fact, the function G(x,y) is like the function F(x,y) but rotated over an angle of 45o, because sin 2 ( φ - π/4 ) = cos 2φ . Do again the interated limit for G(x,y) while assuming that y=x. The latter is a "clear path" to infinity and to zero. Then we get:

lim(x,y)→(0,0) (x y) / (x2 + y2) = limx→ 0 (x2)(2 x2) = 1/2

lim(x,y)→(∞,∞) (x y) / (x2 + y2) = limx→ ∞ (x2) / (2 x2) = 1/2

Do again the interated limit for G(x,y) while assuming that y = - x , another clear path to infinity and to zero. Then we get:

lim(x,y)→(0,0) (x y) / (x2 + y2) = limx→0 (-x2) / (2 x2 = - 1/2

lim(x,y)→(∞,∞) (x y) / (x2 + y2) = limx→ ∞ (-x2) / (2 x2) = - 1/2

These outcomes are to be expected, because the function G(x,y) is like the function F(x,y) as described above, apart from a rotation of the coordinate system. So we can restrict attention to F(x,y), without missing anything.
Now consider again the iterated limits, from an a posteriori viewpoint.

limx→0 [ limy→0 (x2 - y2) / (x2 + y2) ] = limx→0 [ (x2) / (x2) ]

But wait! Here the main axiom comes into effect: Actual Infinity is not given. The limit for y→0 therefore may not be considered as completed. Or the value y = 0 , upon retrospect, is not actually reached: y ≠ 0 . Therefore what's actually left, instead of the number 0 , is a number slightly different from 0 , let's call it epsilon ε :

limx→0 [ limy→0 (x2 - y2) / (x2 + y2) ] = limx→0 [ (x2 - ε2) / (x2 + ε2) ] = limx→0 [ (x22 - 1) / (x22 + 1) ] = -1

This is the same outcome as with:

limy→0 [ limx→0 (x2 - y2) / (x2 + y2) ] = limy→0 [ (-y2) / (y2) ] = -1

But wait! Here the main axiom comes into effect: Actual Infinity is not given. The limit for x→0 therefore may not be considered as completed. Or the value x = 0 , upon retrospect, is not actually reached: x ≠ 0 . Therefore what's actually left, instead of the number 0, is a number slightly different from 0, let's call it δ :

limy→0 [ limx→0 (x2 - y2) / (x2 + y2) ] = limy→0 [ (δ2 - y2) / (δ2 + y2) ] = limy→0 [ (1 - y22) / (1 + y22) ] = +1

This is the same outcome as with:

limx→0 [ limy→0 (x2 - y2) / (x2 + y2) ] = limx→0 [ (x2) / (x2) ] = +1

We conclude that, from an a posteriori point of view:

limx→0 [ limy→0 F(x,y) ] = limy→0 [ limx→0 F(x,y) ]

But the outcome can be +1 or -1, seemingly at will. Therefore the inevitable conclusion must be that both limits, actually, do not exist.
We will now prove this in general. The theorem below could have a tremendous impact upon common mathematical practice, if it were only accepted as true.

Theorem. Iterated limits do always commute. Therefore iterated limits that do not commute do not exist.

Proof. According to the starting hypothesis:

limx→a [ limy→b F(x,y) ] ≠ limy→a [ limx→b F(x,y) ]

According to our a posteriori viewpoint:

limx→a [ limy→ b F(x,y) ] = limx→a F(x,b+ε) = F(a+δ,b+ε)

On the other hand:

limy→b [ limx→a F(x,y) ] = limy→b F(a+δ,y) = F(a+δ,b+ε)


limx→ a [ limy→b F(x,y) ] = limy→ b [ limx→a F(x,y) ]

Because the limits are not really reached. So iff they exist, then thus they must be identical. This already completes the proof, by contradiction.
Note. The reverse is not true. Limits that do commute (by "coincidence") do not necessarily exist. An example is the function G(x,y) above, which is essentially identical to its counterpart F(x,y), apart from a rotation and a scaling.

The sinc function

Quite useful in physics applications (e.g. optics) is the so-called sinc function - an old friend of mine, which is commonly defined as follows:

sinc(x) = sin(x) / x   for   x ≠ 0
  = 1   for   x = 0

The function is continuous (and differentiable) everywhere. Especially it is continuous at x = 0 . Proof of the latter rests on a well known limit:

limx→0 sin(x) / x = 1 = sinc(0)

A part of the unit circle is shown. From the picture it is clear that: triangle area (OTP) < circle sector (OTP) < triangle area (OTQ). Algebraically this is translated into

sin(x)/2 < x/2 < tan(x)/2   ↔   1 < x/sin(x) < 1/cos(x)   ↔   cos(x) < sin(x)/x < 1

For x→0 not only the right hand side is 1 but the left hand side becomes 1 as well: limx→0 cos(x) = 1 . The sinc function thus becomes trapped between two values equal to 1 . Therefore it can itself be nothing else than 1 . Mind, however, that the value x = 0 is never reached. This brings us to the following alternative definition. Oh yes, among numerous other possibilities, but this one will do.

sinc(x) = sin(x) / x   for   x ≠ 0
  = 2   for   x = 0

Would such a definition be possible? In a mathematics with completed infinities the answer is certainly yes. Because we already have all those real numbers in the first place, each of them as a completed entity i.e. finished limits. But here exactly is the vemin! When establishing the continuity of our friend the sinc function, the former limits - necessary to obtain the real numbers - are intermixed with the latter limit, the one for establishing continuity. Thus what we actually have is an iterated limit. Which, as we have seen in the previous subsection, may be quite another matter. Taking one step back - Infinitum Actu Non Datur - this is the content of the Trivial Theorem that any real number is the limit of itself:

sinc(x) = sin(x) / x   for   x ≠ 0
  = 2   for   x = 0

x = 0   ↔   limx→0 x = 0   ↔   | x - 0 | < δ where   x ≠ 0
y = 1   ↔ limy→1 y = 1   ↔   | y - 1 | < ε where   y ≠ 1

To be compared with:

limx→0 sin(x) / x = 1

Taking one step back, this is all there is:

| x - 0 | < δ   →   | sinc(x) - 1 | < ε

In view of the Trivial Theorem equivalent with:

x = 0   →   sinc(x) = 1

The former is continuity for sinc(x), the latter is equality for sinc(x). What's really happening here is that the limit of a real number definition and the limit defining continuity are messing up. In fact, there is just one single limit. In fact, the real numbers are always part of continuity, real numers are continuous numbers. As an immediate consequence, we must admit that a definition like sinc(0) = 2, though "possible" in traditional theory, is utterly nonsensical.
Theorem. It is impossible to have a definition for the value of the sinc function at x = 0 other than sinc(0) = 1.
Therefore we can simply define it as follows. All the rest is a mere consequence of this definition.

sinc(x) = sin(x) / x   →   sinc(0) = 1

Also with constructivist mathematics, there doesn't exist such a choice between sinc(0) = 2 or sinc(0) = 1. The mere fact that sinc(x) is a real valued function guarantees that, for x = 0 , sinc(x) = 1 must hold. According to Brouwer's Continuity Theorem, other values are simply not possible. And again, this is entirely in agreement with physical reality as well.


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