Voronoi & Delaunay

Helper Software routines

Stages of development
main Units and results

    One Voronoi cell:
  1. Unit6.pas & image
  2. Voronoi Pixel Painting:
  3. Unit8.pas & image
  4. Voronoi with Isolines:
  5. Unit9.pas & image
  6. Delaunay from Voronoi not done:
  7. Unit8.pas & image & console
  8. Voronoi from Delaunay is OK:
  9. Unit7.pas & image
  10. Delaunay for 400 sites:
  11. Unit8.pas & animation
  12. How it works visualized
  13. Unit9.pas & image → finished
  14. Unit1.pas & animation. Theory at:
  15. Efficient 2-D & 3-D Point Probes
    Is there any equation for triangle?
  16. Unit4.pas & image. Theory at:
  17. What is the proper way to devise a
    Delaunay tessellation field estimator
  18. Unit4.pas & Voronoi / Delaunay way
  19. Check, check, double check of DTFE:
  20. Unit1.pas & image & console output
  21. Another experiment with random mesh:
  22. Unit5.pas & Voronoi / Delaunay way