SPL format

Quoted with Steve Lamont's permission (-: I'm pretty sure):
 The output from mcube looks like

           xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax
           x1 y1 z1
           x2 y2 z2
           x3 y3 z3
           x4 y4 z4
           x1 y1 z1
           x2 y2 z2
           x3 y3 z3

 where the [xyz]min and [xyz]max are copied from the input (and ignored by
 the program unless the bounding box option is chosen -- see below for usage)
 The xn, yn, zn values are vertex coordinates.  In the case of quadrilaterals
 or higher order polygons, the vertices are *not* necessarily coplanar and must
 be post processed by a triangulator filter if planar polygons are required.
 Each polygon is terminated by a single '-' (minus sign) followed by a linefeed
This "mcube" output format will be called "spl". Files written in this format will have an ".spl" suffix. They are also generated by our own surface tiler.