
As a partner in the international consortium INB, that builds the fast breeder reactor SNR-300, Neratoom's activities focus on the research, development, testing, engineering and construction of the main components of the heat transfer system.

The SNR-300 is a loop-type reactor, with 3 primary and 3 secondary loops. The heat, which is generated in the reactor, is transferred by 9 intermediate heat exchangers (3 in each loop) to the secondary circuits. Two of the secondary circuits are equipped with 3 straight-tube steam generators each. The third circuit is equipped with helical coil tube steam generators.

The primary circuit sodium pumps are situated in the hot leg and the secondary circuit pumps in the cold leg.

Neratoom is delivering the 9 intermediate heat exchangers, 6 straight tube superheaters, 6 straight tube evaporators, 3 helically coiled evaporators and 3 primary and 3 secondary sodium pumps.

The actual manufactoring of the components is done at the Neratoom partners Royal Schelde and Stork Boilers.

[ Note: pictures only for the apparatus that HdB has been working on. ]