# squares at depth = 0 : 0 # squares at depth = 1 : 8 # squares at depth = 2 : 30 # squares at depth = 3 : 90 # squares at depth = 4 : 262 # squares at depth = 5 : 780 # squares at depth = 6 : 2342 # squares at depth = 7 : 7030 # squares at depth = 8 : 21094 # squares at depth = 9 : 63276 # squares at depth = 10 : 189828 # squares at depth = 11 : 569478 # squares at depth = 12 : 1708434 # squares at depth = 13 : 5125298 Boundary + Inner Area + Outer Area = Area of Image, in world coordinates: 1.31062924835417E-0005 + 3.20404431502723E+0000 + 3.29594257758143E+0000 = 6.49999999890115E+0000 = 6.50000000000000E+0000 Final result with squares: 3.204044 < Area < 3.204057 Isoline refinement: 3.20405086870017E+0000 = 3.2040508691540993294644483966405124836692674716427904 Perimeter: 6.45741961842063E+0000