Does this limit exist and if so what is it's value?

Let $r,\sigma,\phi$ be positive real variables in: $$ \lim_{\phi\to 0} \left[ \sqrt{r^2+\sigma^2-2 r\sigma\cos(\phi)} + r\cos(\phi)\ln\left(-r\cos(\phi)+\sigma+\sqrt{r^2+\sigma^2-2 r\sigma\cos(\phi)}\right) -r-r\cos(\phi)\ln(r)-r\cos(\phi)\ln(1-cos(\phi))\right] $$ Note. Arising from this question: Could this be called Renormalization? .
Can't proceed without knowing the outcome of this limit. Please help.

Bonus. It would be even nicer if someone can calculate the accompanying integral: $$ \int_0^{2\pi}\left[ \sqrt{r^2+\sigma^2-2 r\sigma\cos(\phi)} + r\cos(\phi)\ln\left(-r\cos(\phi)+\sigma+\sqrt{r^2+\sigma^2-2 r\sigma\cos(\phi)}\right) -r-r\cos(\phi)\ln(r)-r\cos(\phi)\ln(1-cos(\phi))\right]d\phi $$ Otherwise I have to do it numerically, which is feasible anyway.