On Fri, 12 Dec 2008 22:23:39 -0800 (PST), Cut Off By Google wrote: >>The right is for war and militarism, and dead spending on weapons of >>war. As far as I can tell. The difference between your "right" and "left" is an arguement over which side of a Jews aft end should be kissed. Some wanting to kiss on the right side while others argue the left side is better. In my previous post I proposed a better explaination for "left" and "right", so if you have no objections we will go with these meanings for now. The right likes peace but knows that it has to fight sometimes. Fighting is often the best thing to do. >>The left is for peace, democracy Democracy is a cruel joke when the Jews control the media. "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill "Jewry rules from behind the mask of democracy. What one calls democracy today is concealed Jewish domination. Jews determine what happens in the democratic states" Julius Streicher, Der StÎáÎåÎ÷rmer, #34/1939. "A couple of weeks ago I quoted a few sentences from a book published in 1928 titled Propaganda, by ... Edward Bernays. Today I'll read to you an expanded set of excerpts from Bernays' book to give you a little more of the gist of his message. I quote: "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. "We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. . . . "Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons . . . who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world. . . "No serious sociologist believes any longer that the voice of the people expresses any divine or especially wise and lofty idea. The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. . . . "Whether in the problem of getting elected to office or in the problem of interpreting and popularizing new issues, or in the problem of making the day-to-day administration of public affairs a vital part of the community life, the use of propaganda, carefully adjusted to the mentality of the masses, is an essential adjunct of political life." - end of quote - I should mention that Bernays' book is not profound or especially valuable in itself. It merely states a few self-evident facts about the way in which a modern society works. For the person interested in propaganda, far more useful books are available. The fact that Bernays was a Jew is not even especially relevant here except to emphasize that propaganda, the mass media, psychology, and the manipulation of others always have been subjects of special interest to the Jews. It is not for nothing that they are as thick in these fields today as they were in the time of Bernays and Freud. The reason I chose Bernays' book to quote is that it provides a more concise and clear summary, in a few quotable paragraphs, of the role of propaganda in modern life than most other books on the subject. If I were you I wouldn't even waste time trying to hunt down a copy of Bernays' book. All it does is state the obvious: namely, that the whole concept of democracy is meaningless in an age where a few people have in their hands the mechanism for controlling the attitudes and opinions of a majority of the electorate. And Bernays also takes the disingenuous position that not only is this control a fact of life, but it is a good thing; it is necessary to control and regiment the thinking of the public in order to avoid chaos, and it can only lead us to greater progress and prosperity. He simply glosses over the question of who should exercise this control and what their motives should be. If you really want to study the subject of propaganda, a good place to start is with the 1962 book, also titled Propaganda, by the Frenchman Jacques Ellul. That book is still in print and is available from the sponsor of this program, National Vanguard Books. Professor Ellul deals with the subject in much greater depth and with much greater honesty than Bernays does, but he agrees with Bernays on the most obvious and fundamental conclusions: on the irrelevance of the idea of democracy, for example. I quote from Professor Ellul's book: "If I am in favor of democracy, I can only regret that propaganda renders the true exercise of it almost impossible. But I think that it would be even worse to entertain any illusions about a coexistence of true democracy and propaganda." -- end of quote -- To me it is frustrating that a conclusion that seems so obvious is nevertheless resisted by so many otherwise intelligent people. Democracy has become almost a sacred concept to them, this idea that the policies guiding our nation should be decided by counting the votes of every featherless biped who has reached the age of 18. It's like motherhood: they're almost afraid to question it. This seems to be as true of intellectuals in our society as it is of Joe Sixpacks. The fact is that intellectuals are no more likely to be independent-minded than people who work with their hands; most intellectuals, just like most Joe Sixpacks, are lemmings. In fact, as Ellul points out, it is precisely the intellectuals who are most strongly controlled by propaganda, because they are more open to every medium of propaganda. And I must admit that it took me a long time to overcome the ideas drummed into me when I was in school that under a democracy people are more free than under any other political system, that under a democracy we are all free to think and say whatever we want, and that we have a greater responsibility as citizens of a democracy to make up our own minds about things independently, and so on. Actually, we still have some degree of individual freedom in the United States today because more than 200 years ago men whose temperament was far more aristocratic than democratic in the modern sense of the word were willing to go to war against their legitimate government in order to secure that freedom for us, and people with a truly democratic temperament, who have been gnawing away at that freedom ever since, haven't yet succeeded in suppressing it completely. Well, it should not be surprising to us that although books such as Professor Ellul's Propaganda - and many others - are readily available, almost no one has heard of them. Keeping the public believing in the myth of democracy is an important element in maintaining control over the thinking and behavior of the public. It is simply immoral and scandalous to question the reality of democracy. It's like questioning the truth of the "Holocaust" story. And for that reason we're not likely to be taught in our social studies classes in school or to read in the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal even the most obvious and self-evident conclusions presented by Bernays or Ellul. We're still taught how democracy safeguards our freedom, even while those who control the mechanism of propaganda in our democratic society are working day and night to eliminate that freedom." >> and the elimination of poverty, Both sides would like to eliminate poverty. The right as real answers though. >>injustice, and the wanton waste of the most valuable resource on this >>planet - the human mind. Both sides are against injustice. The right doesn't just spew a lot of hot air though. http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.org http://wsi.matriots.com/jews.html