
Before proceeding, it is important to note that not only things we observe, but also things we observe with - our instruments: clocks and rods, are changing with time. If a measuring rod has become shorter, while the length that we are measuring has remained the same, then it seems that the latter has become longer. If a clock is ticking slower and some evolutionary process in time that we are observing remains constant, then it seems that the latter goes faster. This is a general rule: things we observe show INVERSE behavior when compared with things they are observed with. Being able to distinguish between observer and observed is crucial for what follows. Think about it!

Anomalous increase of the astronomical unit. According to Wikipedia:
Recent measurements indicate that planetary orbits are widening faster than if this were solely through the Sun losing mass by radiating energy.
According to our highly speculative theory, the length of measuring rods is inversely proportional with increasing elementary particle mass and thus is decreasing with time.
Therefore, according to the INVERSE rule, planetary orbits should indeed be more increasing than expected, that is: widening faster.

The Speed of Light Measurements. The most important issue coined up by Barry Setterfield is a variability in the speed of light. But, according to our (one and only) hypothesis, the speed of light doesn't change. Only the mass of sub-atomic particles is subject to change. So it may be questioned if our theory is really the end of c-decay? Or has the speed of light been decaying indeed, before time measurement became linear with with the advent of atomic clocks? This question can now be answered, if we only assume that the light speed has been measured with help of an orbital clock, such as a pendulum. Suppose that an early light speed experiment has been repeated, with exactly the same equipment, but only at a later time, then we have for the seconds of the orbital clock in use, while $m_e$ has become larger (namely in the future): $$ T \sim \frac{1}{m_e^2} < \frac{1}{m_e} $$ The orbital clock is not in sync with the true time (of an atomic clock): it's running faster. Hence the time measured upon arrival of the light ray, with orbital seconds smaller than atomic seconds, is too large. This means that the experiment, upon repetition, shows a decay of the light speed (correct length divided by too large time interval), quite in agreement with Setterfield's findings: it can hardly be denied that measurements of the light speed, made before 1955, show a small but significant downward trend (Chapter 3). According to the present theory, however, this is just an artifact of the measurement process: the light speed has not "really" been decaying; it only has to be accepted that the atomic clocks nowadays in use represent "true" time. If not, then there is another issue that remains to be resolved.
A shortcut of the above reasoning works with the INVERSE notion. Light speed observer / instrument with orbital time: $$ m/s \sim \frac{1/m_e}{1/m_e^2} = m_e \quad \mbox{increased} $$ Hence the light speed observed is the inverse of this: it has decreased with time.