program aflezen; { This software has been designed and is CopyLefted by Han de Bruijn: (===) @-O^O-@ #/_\# ### Read SOURCE of document by Barry Setterfield: The Atomic Constants, Light, and Time And split into tables: tabel1, .. , tabel31 This program has to be executed only ONCE: the layout of a few tables has been adapted in order to faciliate subsequent automation } Uses algemeen; procedure splitsen; const vgl : string = ''; var invoer,uitvoer : TextFile; regel : string; tabel : boolean; tel : integer; begin AssignFile(invoer,'Licht.htm'); Reset(invoer); tabel := false; tel := 0; while not EoF(invoer) do begin Readln(invoer,regel); if (trim(regel) = vgl) then begin tabel := true; tel := tel + 1; AssignFile(uitvoer,'Tabel' + Letterlijk(tel) + '.txt'); Rewrite(uitvoer); end; if tabel then Writeln(uitvoer,regel); if (tabel = true) and (Pos('
',regel) > 0) then begin tabel := false; CloseFile(uitvoer); end; end; CloseFile(invoer); end; begin splitsen; end.